The Art of Forgiving

In life, things don't always happen the way you want them to. Every person has events when he unknowingly offends someone himself or offends him... Some actions cannot be forgiven, and some must be forgiven. If only I knew how to do it...

Disagreements between parents and children are an eternal topic. Parents, wishing their children well, often do not notice how offensive phrases come out of their mouths. But they – the closest people in the world – should be reconciled as quickly as possible, even if they are wrong. That's what psychologists think.

Experts in the field of relationship psychology advise anyone who finds it difficult to forgive an insult to turn to a simple method of reconciliation: look at yourself through the eyes of the offender. It often happens that, after rethinking the situation and realizing the reasons for the actions of loved ones, the offended party has a desire to reconcile immediately.

Sometimes a prolonged grudge ends badly, especially if attempts at reconciliation remain unappreciated. Psychologists believe that when one of the parties tries to take a step forward, it is a noble gesture and it should not be ignored. If the other side is not ready to reconcile yet, an explanation of the reasons should follow, for example: "I need time," "I have to deal with emotions," and so on... The exceptions are those cases when the quarrel has gone so far that it has entailed too serious and irreparable consequences.

According to experts, a person who is often offended by small things needs to learn this art, and begin by reconciling with himself. Often, resentments and quarrels that arise indicate a deep inner discord of the individual, and it's not at all about the actions of others. In addition, many people often offend someone by mistake – by casually throwing an offensive phrase or making an unsuccessful joke.

The psychologist advises people who often find themselves in the role of the offended to retire and reflect on why they are so hurt by certain phrases or actions. They should also choose an acceptable way to reflect on their grievances.

The psychologist has the following tips especially for this category of people:

[*] never try to take revenge on the offender – other people will do it, whom he does not have the strength to resist.;

[*] if it is impossible to forgive an offense, it is better to remain indifferent.;

[*] the ability to forgive is by no means the lot of weaklings and not an attempt to justify the offender. This is a quality peculiar to sages.

[b]The touchiness test[/b]

Resentment occurs when people's actions do not meet someone's expectations. Therefore, often the reason to be offended arises from a trifle. By answering the questions on this test, everyone can understand how touchy they are.

The answers should be monosyllabic – only "yes" or "no". When calculating the results, each "yes" is equal to 0 points, each "no" is equal to 2 points. The results are determined by calculating the total number of points.

Is it easy for you to spoil the mood?

Do you remember for a long time those cases when you were offended?

Have you been worried about unpleasant little things for a long time?

Can you stay in a state for a long time when you don't want to meet and talk to someone?

Do you often get distracted by someone's conversations and extraneous noise?

Are you inclined to analyze your experiences, feelings, and actions over a long period of time?

Could your actions be the result of a sudden change of mood?

Do you often have nightmares?

Do you worry about your own inferiority?

Does your mood change very often?

Does your voice change beyond recognition during an argument?

Are you easily angered?

When you're in a bad mood, can't even delicious food improve it?

Do you get annoyed when people don't understand you?

[b]The test results. If you typed:[/b]

[i]from 0 to 16 points[/i] - you are a touchy, vindictive person and react extremely painfully to any attacks from others. Your mood changes every minute. Relax. The world wasn't created to hurt you.

[i]from 17 to 22 points[/i] - your touchiness creates a lot of problems for you and your immediate environment. It's easy to lose your temper, you easily go into conflict. Don't get worked up over nothing, take care of your nerves – both your own and others'.

[i]from 23 to 28 points[/i] - you are rash and fleeting disagreements cannot make you lose your temper. Someone may even call you indifferent, but don't pay attention to the envious ones. You don't need a prescription, effexor prescription online buy.